Full Name | Continent |
ARG | Republic of Argentina | South America |
AUS | Australia | Australia |
AUT | Austria | Europe |
BEL | Belgium | Europe |
BRA | Brazil | South America |
CDN | Canada | North America |
CH | Swiss | Europe |
DKN | Denmark | Europe |
ESP | Espania | Europe |
FIN | Finland | Europe |
FRA | France | Europe |
F+B | France and Brazil | *** |
GER | Germany | Europe |
GBR | Great Britain | Europe |
IRE | Ireland | Europe |
ITA | Italy | Europe |
JAP | Japan | Asia |
MCO | Monaco | Europe |
MEX | Mexico | Middle America |
NDL | Netherlands | Europe |
NZL | New Zealand | Australia |
POR | Portugal | Europe |
RCH | Republic of Chile | South America |
RHD | Rhodesia (= Zimbabwe) | Africa |
SWE | Sweden | Europe |
THA | Thailand | Asia |
USA | United States of America | North America |
YVZ | Republic of Venezuela | South America |
ZA | South Africa | Africa |