I have been using Verbal Commander for around 2 years now, and ever since I was introduced to this product through the IVGA web site, it has been a lifesaver in many of my racing events. It saves time by not having to look down at the keyboard while running any races in Nascar 2, Nascar 1, IRC2, and GP2. Now with the NRO on the TEN network, VC makes it so more realistic in racing and faster in changing racing parameters, pitting, and finding out how I stand during each race without taking my hands off the wheel. I show Nascar 2 logo up above, but Verbal Commander works with any racing game, or non racing game.
The thing I get a big kick out of is when using Verbal Commander with Nascar 2, and the feeback from the Voice of the pit crew/spotter everytime I ask to change a parameter on my car when I am racing. Example: if I use the voice recognition commands to change a tire pressure, after my inputs are done a voice comes back saying " We will take care of that tire pressure". This product is simple to install and the software is easy to use that is included. My reviews will concentrate on using Verbal Commander with the racing games. There will also be section containing specific Command Files for the various racing games.
Verbal Commander can be bought directly from the K2I web site or from retail stores such as Electronic Boutique and Radio Shack. The price is $99.95 for the package which comes with a Plug in PC board, Microphone, adaptors, and software. The K2I site has all the product ordering information, reviews, and additional new command files for many of the PC games. Verbal Commander comes supplied with many Command files for some of the popular PC games and one of them is Nascar 2. The Web site address is at:
The following links contains a peek at the usage of Verbal Commander and in the near future will contain new tested command files for many racing games.