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"In Memory to The Greatest-Devoted Husband,Father,and Stock Car Racer"
Picture credits go to Nascar.com
Sim Racing News
Have news? Send us an email
March 2000
Sorry, it's been a slow month (for news, that is). We've been cleaning up from the birthday bash and getting things in order. I just found a bunch of
technical/bug report messages in my inbox and I'm sending them to the proper
people. We will have an official mailbox set up soon for that purpose
to speed things up. For now, the best things are to either send an
email to me, or if the section you have a question/problem on has an email
address then send to that address.
Our EA Sports F1 2000 Preview page is HERE and the game looks good.
A GP3 MPEG filecan be found here
Papyrus has patches for those of you trying to run the Daytona Track in N3 and NL
Nascar Craftsman Trucks for N3 (AKA N3 Expansion Pack)is due out soon with all of the 1999 tracks (except Disney) and new trucks, drivers... We'll cover it
with the normal N3 section for now. See the Box Art
Cheerios cereal now has a deal where you can get NL for $1.99, see "O-Code" boxes for details
Microsoft's Gamestock festival:
Microsoft announced that fans of their upcoming games will be able to attend Gamestock events online again this year. Gamestock, a private event held every year to introduce press from around the world to the company's new lineup of games, will be opened up to the public via the Internet. Gamestock 2000 takes
place on February 29 and March 1, and fans are invited to an inside look at the
big show with several unique online events.
Included in the 2000 lineup are: MechWarrior 4, Crimson Skies, Loose Cannon,
Motocross Madness 2, Dungeon Seige and nearly a dozen other titles. Online
Gamestock events open to the public include:
On March 1, the official Gamestock 2000 Web site will go live. Complete with
screenshots, game introductions, and feature lists, this site will give gamers
the scoop on all of Microsoft's upcoming game titles.
Gamestock 2000 - Peace, Love, and Games once again.
Generally all racing titles release dates have been delayed by about a month.
The SSCRA has kicked off it's Cup series and CART/IRL are scheduled to start later this month.
Racing Champions Diecasts for 2000 look really great. New body styles, new underbodies, realistic width tires and even a lower price (back to the 1/64 scale $2- since it's not the 10th anniversary anymore). My personal favorite
is the return to the square trading cards that will fit in the album again.
Why must Winner's Circle charge so much above average? I could see if the cars were of much better quality, but they don't even look like the proper shape. HotWheels and RC's interpretations look much better and cost less. Is it the driver liscensing fees? IF so, why would Park's fees be so much more than a DW, Burton, Martin, or T. Labontae (I mean no offense
to Steve, He is just the example here). Please just give us quality
diecasts at a fair-market price (IE 1/64 scale for $2-3, 1/24 for $10-12).
Could CART be coming back as a RACING series? The other day on Raceday on TNN they were interviewing Andrew Craig and for the first time, he talked about the racing SERIES not the stockholders! I'll admit I was never a fan of his
(I'm one of the ten who prefer open cometition in the IRL) but this
change in attitude is what is best for open wheel racing, especially CART.
Stockholders should never come before competition (Take a look at the state
of F1 to see why ;-).
February 2000
Daytona International
Speedway is available as a Demo ONLY FROM the Daytona International
Speedway Corp./ISC. There is a link for ordering this 500 program
(AROUND $20- I think)with CD on the main page.
We here at SC are happy ISC allowed the big D to be featured (somewhat) in the premier Nascar Simulation. However!, SIMCYBERWORLD HAS NOT, IS NOT, AND WILL NOT POST THIS DEMO. THE DEMO IS A COPYRIGHTED PRODUCT OF ISC
People, please, it took many years to get any version of this track for NASCAR Racing so don't screw it up by posting it on the net (which is an ILLEGAL posting)
(Mentioned during last year's Indianapolis 500) has opened a site with
information and beta testing opportunities. Basically open races/short
races are free and seasons are paying. They'll track all of the cars in
a race and you will race somethin akin to a "ghost car" in the simulation
of the ACTUAL event! Looks like FUN! It features the IRL (More
sims soon they promise) and will debut at the big one. (May 2000 duh!)
Hasbro's NASCAR Heat doesn't look like a blowoff title. I scoffed too until I read who was involved- The developers of the put-Papyrus-to-shame Viper and the developers who left Papy some time back (Levesque...). Hmmm...Do I smell competition for Nascar 4? -I think so!
Here's a site dealing with NASCAR 3 cars I just got a press release from:
Want some great user created .car files for Nascar 3? All you've got to do is hop over to Synchroplay.com where they've just released their latest FULL carpack with 42 custom .car files! If you'd like, you can also show off your own talent by using their built-in uploading system to get your own .car published in one of their WEEKLY Update Packs!
January 2000
Note the new email address.
Happy Birthday to US! Feb 2, 1997
Look for updates/patches/and a special race this month!
SimCyberworld.com will announce the First Annual SimCyberworld.com Game Awards
Though voting is already tallied results for the SC 1999 Driving Game of the Year (a game which exemplifies fun and is well done, sim, racing, or not) and SC 1999 Racing Sim of the Year (A game which
is top of the line, fresh, and well executed like GPL, not like Sierra's
Nascar 99) will not be announced until Saturday, February 12 2000.
Last year's news page is available here
We hope to be remodelling the news department shortly and would like to let you guys know this is a game and sim-related newsboard. While we can't post news of every paintjob created, we will try to post our normal compliment of simnews, along with site/league press releases of new leagues, new seasons in your league, major patches for a sim (IE N@50) and similar items.
Dukes of Hazzard and the Microprose GP series have ben delayed.
There's a new Swamp Buggy "game" out, mainly arcade. It has the track not usually seen on TNN (So there is no Naples and no 'Sippi hole) and a fantasy track, along with vehicle classes but no in-car camera. From what I've seen, a bit of a disappointment.
LeMans 24 Hrs is sort of a Quasi sim hybrid. Not at the level of SCGT, it has no in-car views and is fairly arcadishly done, but it will simulate the whole 24 hours with a decent field. If you love LeMans, try it, otherwise save your money.
Did anyone else miss the IRL race? My ABC affiliate replaced it w/college basketball and scheduled the race "tape delayed" to 2:30AM. Y'know the only IRL races I've missed (NHIS, DWS) Robbie Buhl has won. Hey Robbie if you want to make me an offer to skip watching the 500 my email adress is at the top of the page.
The DTR guys are at it again, creating Leadfoot a more arcade game based on stadium racing.
Test Drive:Motor City is supposed to be an online avitar sort of world with races also, ala American Grafitti. (PS NO Ferraris or any other European stuff allowed)
This Skip Barber Racing game might be interesting...Racing school for sim racers.
How about that Osterchring for GPL from the Pits
The new 2000 Racing Champions diecasts are great, Hot Wheels Pro quality. Now if only Winners Circle were competitively priced and bore some resembalance to the actual carshapes...
Nascar racing Games are being made by EA and Hasbro too now, in addition to Papyrus' Nascar Racing 4 with the GPL engine. Will this be the year Papyrus picks up on it's critically acclaimed success of GPL and moves to the next level or just wallows in the opportunities of splicing new versions of products by using old engines and user requested features.
Nascar 3 Truck Pack will be out this spring WITHOUT Daytona. Just because it's posted in a Newsgroup doesn't mean it's true.
Here's some information on the Flashpoint Racing Series' and their new sponsorship and PRIZES!
"Thomas Enterprises makers of TSW wheels has agreed to sponsor Flashpoint
Racing Series with 2 TSW2 stock wheels and huge discounts for our 2nd and
3rd place winners. I bought my TSW2 wheel over 1-½ years ago and I am
extremely satisfied with my wheel. Dave Jr. was very patient when I got
brain cramped and couldn’t take the time to read the instructions to
calibrate it. He took the time to help me out on a simple job. I want to
say thanks to Dave Jr. at Thomas Enterprises for his sponsorship and hope we
can give them as much exposure as possible!
As for the 2000 season, Flashpoint Racing Series will be crowning the
Nascar3 WC Division and Nascar Legends GN Division offline Champion with a
brand new TSW2 wheel. 2nd place winners will have the option to purchase a
TSW2 wheel for only $75.00 and 3rd place winners will have the option to
purchase a TSW2 wheel for only $125.00! We are now accepting signups for
the 2000 season.
"Also, in regards to our Nascar 3 series, we will be offering 3 different
divisions to choose from (WC, BGN, & ARCA). One thing unique about our
league, we understand there are many drivers who never raced or have very
little experience racing. So, you would have the option in running in the
ARCA or BGN division and once you get better and want to move up, you can
carry over 65% of your points earned up to the next division. Also, each
driver will have up to 10 provisionals they can use if they are unable to
attend a race. Our league is also going to have NR99 trucks and
cars and Retro @ 50 leagues as well. To sign up, go to Flashpoint
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