The official Website of Reed Racing & Engineering / Team Tabasco!
After a long hiatus, Reed Racing and Engineering is back! We'll have some new stuff coming your way very soon, including 2003 and 2004 cars, some new sound stuff, and more. Share and enjoy!~Brandon
A couple of 2004 previews.....
I am not an artist. I am not out for any glory. I'm simply trying to keep my N3 2001 season up to date, and help other N3 users to do the same. I don't want to step on anybody's toes, or claim anybody else's work as my own. Therefore, stringent steps have been taken to ensure that every artist who's work has contributed to cars posted here has been properly credited. Unfortunately, some errors occasionally occur, as I am human and fallible. If you locate such an error, or you feel that work you have done has been included without your knowledge, please contact me as soon as possible so we can rectify the situation. The point here, guys, is to have fun. That's what it's all about.
Special thanks goes out to Design Tech, for their support and use of N99 base cars, Bassman 2112, for great base N3 cars, and to Photo Express, for their terrific driver's photos. INDIVIDUAL CREDITS ARE PLACED ON THE CORRESPONDING CARS PAGES, AS WELL AS IN THE CAR FILES THEMSELVES.
Brandon Reed, owner, operator and webmaster Reed Racing & Engineering.
Please feel free to take a look at my other website,
This is a virtual racing team, and is not supported by Papyrus Design Group, Sierra On-Line, NASCAR, the McIlhenny Co., or any corporation represented on this page unless specifically noted. This site serves as an online outlet for users of NASCAR 3, NASCAR Legends and other Auto Racing Simulations. The use of any real life corporate information, images or descriptions are for entertainment and informational purposes ONLY, unless specifically noted otherwise. Please do not use any of the listed images without permission from the webmaster. Hey, don't make me come over there.
TABASCO®, the TABASCO® diamond logo, and the TABASCO® bottle design are registered trademarks exclusively of McIlhenny Co., Avery Island, LA 70513.
Have a look at our past offerings.....
This website came about due to some simple circumstances. Due to the near death of support for the NASCAR 3 simulator, I took it upon myself to try to help my fellow N3 users by converting existing updated paint jobs from N99 and N4 to the N3 format, with the use of existing decals by other artists. THESE ARTISTS HAVE BEEN INFORMED THIS IS GOING ON, AND AS OF THIS DATE, NO PROTESTS HAVE BEEN LODGED AGAINST MY DOING THIS OR MY DISTRIBUTION OF THESE WORKS.
This page written created and maintained by Brandon Reed,
Every Other Man Productions.